When Pearl was a few years younger, she got one of those wild and crazy ideas and designed her own storm trooper costume. Nowadays, we have to either bring out her old costume which doesn’t fit her any longer or pictures of her in her costume so that she can remember “the good old days.”

She was quite endearing back then—even though she was dressed as a “bad guy.” Of course, since she only had plastic parts, she relied on me to help with the construction of her costume.

Backyard Chicken Tip: Never trust chickens to handle glue—no matter how much they may beg you to use your glue! This is particularly true of plastic model glue.

So remember, there just may be a large number of chicken stormtroopers orbiting our planet in their own Death Star, and they may be ready to take over the world!

Backyard Chicken Tip: Chickens do get these ideas when they are very young! So monitor their television viewing carefully!

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